Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I screwed up a whole month of blogging. Sigh.

Oh goodness. So . . . my free time was hijacked by the start of the new semester. It seems strange that when I return to my studies as a fine art photographer that I can't manage to make an image a day, but so it goes.

I've been busy teaching a couple of sections, making new work, and generally taking care of school business. Currently, I'm prepping for two exhibitions. One solo exhibition, which is evidenced by today's photos . . . of my show cards. I'm showcasing the Miss Fortune portfolio during Lexington's Gallery Hop. Locals: Please come!

The other exhibition, opening the same night, is UK's advanced student photo show. It's a juried exhibition with cash prizes, where advanced students showcase new work. It should be a good time. In addition to the cash prizes, I'm starting a new tradition within our department, that I hope will be a lasting one. On the evening the students hang the show, we'll cast ballots for the best-in-show. I'm calling it "The Big Shot" award, and it will come with street cred, as well as the winner's name engraved on a trophy (of some sort) that will be displayed prominently (somewhere) in the photo lab. Each year during this annual exhibition, students can pick a new winner and have that name added. It's pretty geeky, but I'm just so excited about it. Once I make/secure the trophy, I imagine a photo will appear on this blog.

So. Clearly my life in the past month has been photo-filled, although not photo blog-filled. I'm hoping to get back in the habit. Stay with me.

1 comment:

  1. I'm bummed I won't be in the area to go to your exhibition(s)! I hadn't given up on your blog even if you had been missing for a month. ;)
