Friday, January 15, 2010

Thursday 01/14/10

This is an image of the Reynolds Building, where the art studios and grad students live. After an early morning and afternoon spent teaching, I arrived for my evening lighting class. I've always appreciated a good yellow-orange glow against a near-night sky. (And I can see my house from here.)

And it begins . . . 01/13/10

Ready or not, the semester begins. My Wednesday includes a Contemporary Art History class with a professor highly regarded as brilliant, tough, and terribly interesting. The first lecture lived up to its reputation, and I'm excited about what I can learn in this course this semester.

Night Before Classes Start 01/12/10

The night before a new semester. A dark, cold November (well, January) in my soul. **Thanks, Moby Dick, for the lifetime of quotes.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Eye Exam 01/11/10

As a part of my spring semester prep, I went to the eye doctor today. I've managed to weasel out of having my eyes dilated for many, many years now, and I was afraid I would run out of luck this time. As it turns out, I've stalled long enough to see a new technological advance, which allows a doctor to look at a special photograph to see the back of the eye. No pupil drops and sensitive eyes for 8 hours!

The super-doc emailed me the images of my eyeballs. I think they are pretty, and a little gross. I learned I have a freckle on my right eye. Who knew?!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Button 01/10/10

On Saturday, my professor called to alert me to a weekend antique fair thing in Lex. I have never been to it, so I stopped by. There were a ton of vendors, which was excellent. I picked up this bicentennial-year dem convention button for $10. I bought it from two hilarious republicans who gave me a hard time . . . and a great price.

I also found a stereoscope for viewing stereocards. I've been obsessing about learning to make them ever since I had the opportunity to view one at UK's art museum. The original 3-D image, how wonderful. I passed on the viewer, sigh, because the lady was pretty proud of it (expensive), and I'm inclined to wait until I actually attempt one of these images. But they are out there in the world, and that makes me happy.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

A Little Green, A Little White 01/09/10

An image from a parking space in Lexington.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Espon 9900 01/08/10

I stopped by my studio this afternoon to grab a book. I am happy to report the mice must be infesting another part of the dilapidated building. Yay! But, despite my wishes, the studio hadn't cleaned itself. I have some work to do to get it in fine, working order for the semester.

The image above is of the Epson 9900. A magical machine that prints everything right the first time. My friend, Stacey, awarded it with a ribbon. You're right, Stacey, it is the best!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


I have a spoon problem. I used to have a full set of spoons, but the image above depicts one of only two that remain. I'm not sure how my silverware drawer ended up in this near-spoonless state. They are the unicorns of my kitchen. Impossible to find, but legend speaks of their existence. Clearly it's time to invest in some new ones.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

End Scene. 01/06/2010

Oh, Kentucky, I have returned. I would like to give a special thanks to JJ Grey & Mofro, as well as Jonny Lang. There's nothing like scratchy, swampy blues on the long end of a road trip through cities like St. Louis and Louisville. Despite great (although inadequate) efforts to figure out the St. Louis metro bypass, I always seem to weave my way straight through town. The traffic wasn't bad at all, which gave me the opportunity to gawk at brick remnants of an historic river city. One day I'll stop to look around, but the threat of winter weather made a visit impossible today. Louisville is as shiny as ever, and I can't wait for my next trip . . . presumably Friday for T. Shaffer's Megachurches opening.

My photo offering is a bit lame today, considering the yummy, bricky towns I passed through. Incidentally, there is a Santa Claus, Indiana. I swear. I arrived home to a beeping fire detector, which prompted a trip to the grocery store for food and 9 volt batteries. I attempted to go without a detector, but the sucker is hardwired into the electric in addition to needing a battery. I don't get it, but there was only one way to make the beeping stop: replace the battery.

What makes the grocery run interesting is that the Kroger parking lot was completely full. I mean every slot. 9 voltless, I braved the crowds. Wading through the masses, I weaved my way to the check out clerk and asked her why every Lexington resident was in the store. As it turns out, today was "senior citizen discount day," (which explained a lot), and the impending winter non-blizzard storm has drawn out the crazies. The culmination of the elderly coupon blitz, and snow, led to an unavoidable scene I can best equate to my experience of having a near-empty gas tank on 09/12/01. It just wasn't convenient.

I'm safely nestled in my home, glass of wine in hand, battery in the smoke detector, watching cable. (Happy sigh.) Perfection.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Greetings from Columbia. No, the Missouri one.

The first leg of my trip is complete. I am resting comfortably in a hotel in Columbia, Missouri. I received my first Spring semester "official business" email from my professor, and my feelings are mixed. I am ready to return to my life in Lexington, but I don't know that I'm ready to gear up for another semester. Perhaps this interim week will be sufficient in getting me enthusiastic for the rigors of a new semester.

Speaking of legs, how about some feet? I found this weird foot thing at a Columbia flea market. I haven't researched a thing about it, but my guess is that it's a shoe cobbler's tool. Maybe I can cobble something.

I probably won't.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Boo Flu, Boo.

My trip back to Lex has been delayed by illness. While I'm not fond of being sick and ready to get home, it was nice to have another day with my nephews. Well, I was sequestered, but it was nice to hear them . . .

We'll see about travel plans tomorrow. Hopefully my photo will be one from the road (and less grainy and more focused).

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Last night in Nebraska. (Sigh)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bell and Howell Filmo 8 01/02/2010

Alas, the frigid, Nebraska winter has taken hold. The sub-zero temps and threats of snow prompted canceled travel plans. Cabin feverish, my sister and I ventured out for a little shopping fix this afternoon. Lovers of old crap, we went in search of antique stores and were lucky to find a fabulous one in Bellevue. The proprietor talked about doing a lot of business with filmmakers who have filmed in Omaha. His antiques graced the set of About Schmidt--look for a red chair and beer signs.

Perhaps it was a moving image theme that led to my great find: a Bell and Howell Filmo 8 projector. I bought it as a shelf decoration (it's beautiful), but found out it works. Perfectly. I returned to the shop and scooped up an 8mm camera he had (also works), and located a film supplier. Perhaps I'll be a maker and watcher of silent films.

KD Station 01/01/2010

01/01/2010. My year started off with a return to KD Station, a building in Sioux City I've been casually (perhaps randomly) documenting for the past few years. It used to be a meat packing plant. Today, my father told me that among it's employees was my Grandma, Arlone Malcom, who worked on the floor doing the messy stuff. KD Station became home to various businesses beginning in the 1970s. Siouxland natives have fond memories of the bowling alley, costume shop, and Mexican restaurant. The building was condemned in 2004, and a 2006 fire prompted demolition plans. Since my last shoot in 2008, cranes and wrecking balls have moved onto the scene, and demolition has progressed.

And on the second day . . . .

Due to the lobbying efforts of two Ericas, I have decided to join E. Vining's 365 project. The rules: a photo a day for a year, along with a description of the image/day. I think I can handle those rules, so here we go . . . a visual and virtual record of my life in 2010. Put your helmets on.