Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bell and Howell Filmo 8 01/02/2010

Alas, the frigid, Nebraska winter has taken hold. The sub-zero temps and threats of snow prompted canceled travel plans. Cabin feverish, my sister and I ventured out for a little shopping fix this afternoon. Lovers of old crap, we went in search of antique stores and were lucky to find a fabulous one in Bellevue. The proprietor talked about doing a lot of business with filmmakers who have filmed in Omaha. His antiques graced the set of About Schmidt--look for a red chair and beer signs.

Perhaps it was a moving image theme that led to my great find: a Bell and Howell Filmo 8 projector. I bought it as a shelf decoration (it's beautiful), but found out it works. Perfectly. I returned to the shop and scooped up an 8mm camera he had (also works), and located a film supplier. Perhaps I'll be a maker and watcher of silent films.

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