Wednesday, January 6, 2010

End Scene. 01/06/2010

Oh, Kentucky, I have returned. I would like to give a special thanks to JJ Grey & Mofro, as well as Jonny Lang. There's nothing like scratchy, swampy blues on the long end of a road trip through cities like St. Louis and Louisville. Despite great (although inadequate) efforts to figure out the St. Louis metro bypass, I always seem to weave my way straight through town. The traffic wasn't bad at all, which gave me the opportunity to gawk at brick remnants of an historic river city. One day I'll stop to look around, but the threat of winter weather made a visit impossible today. Louisville is as shiny as ever, and I can't wait for my next trip . . . presumably Friday for T. Shaffer's Megachurches opening.

My photo offering is a bit lame today, considering the yummy, bricky towns I passed through. Incidentally, there is a Santa Claus, Indiana. I swear. I arrived home to a beeping fire detector, which prompted a trip to the grocery store for food and 9 volt batteries. I attempted to go without a detector, but the sucker is hardwired into the electric in addition to needing a battery. I don't get it, but there was only one way to make the beeping stop: replace the battery.

What makes the grocery run interesting is that the Kroger parking lot was completely full. I mean every slot. 9 voltless, I braved the crowds. Wading through the masses, I weaved my way to the check out clerk and asked her why every Lexington resident was in the store. As it turns out, today was "senior citizen discount day," (which explained a lot), and the impending winter non-blizzard storm has drawn out the crazies. The culmination of the elderly coupon blitz, and snow, led to an unavoidable scene I can best equate to my experience of having a near-empty gas tank on 09/12/01. It just wasn't convenient.

I'm safely nestled in my home, glass of wine in hand, battery in the smoke detector, watching cable. (Happy sigh.) Perfection.


  1. You are funny! Thanks for putting a smile on my face.

  2. U seriously make me laugh...only u would end up at Kroger on Senior Citizen discount day !!! LMAO. Atleast u have wine and batteries...oh that sounds grosss !!!!
