Sunday, January 10, 2010

Button 01/10/10

On Saturday, my professor called to alert me to a weekend antique fair thing in Lex. I have never been to it, so I stopped by. There were a ton of vendors, which was excellent. I picked up this bicentennial-year dem convention button for $10. I bought it from two hilarious republicans who gave me a hard time . . . and a great price.

I also found a stereoscope for viewing stereocards. I've been obsessing about learning to make them ever since I had the opportunity to view one at UK's art museum. The original 3-D image, how wonderful. I passed on the viewer, sigh, because the lady was pretty proud of it (expensive), and I'm inclined to wait until I actually attempt one of these images. But they are out there in the world, and that makes me happy.

1 comment:

  1. I know a fellow student that found one in his attic. Just could 'find' one!!!
