Monday, January 11, 2010

Eye Exam 01/11/10

As a part of my spring semester prep, I went to the eye doctor today. I've managed to weasel out of having my eyes dilated for many, many years now, and I was afraid I would run out of luck this time. As it turns out, I've stalled long enough to see a new technological advance, which allows a doctor to look at a special photograph to see the back of the eye. No pupil drops and sensitive eyes for 8 hours!

The super-doc emailed me the images of my eyeballs. I think they are pretty, and a little gross. I learned I have a freckle on my right eye. Who knew?!


  1. A freckle...on the eye...really??? Only you Kally !!! LOL

  2. Well Kally, you and my daughter are two of a kind. She has a freckle on her eye too. I was freaked out because I thought it was some sort of growth. Nope, just a freckle. She is brillantly creative, I might add :)
